>write post
There is no post here.
I don't know the word "write".
On what?
>type on computer
I don't know the word "computer"
>go west
Trees block your way to the west
>go north
There is a white house here with a window slightly ajar.
>open windo
I don't know the word "windo"
>open window
With much effort, you have opened the window enough to allow entry.
>enter window
You have moved into a dark place. It is pitch black.
>give up
You have been eaten by a grue.
I'll admit, I played a ton of Zork, mostly on our workhorse Commodore 64. Never won it. Never came close. Got to the dam, got my hands on a wrench. Opened the sluice gate. I think that's as far as I got. More often than not, I'd wind up wandering the woods or going up and down stairs in the stupid white house. I never did get the hang of the commands or the map. Maybe some of you were more successful. I will say, to this day, if I have to go into the garage or the basement and it's dark, I am vaguely concerned about being eaten by a grue.