Many of the entries on this list are included because I enjoyed playing them as a kid. Others, because I've enjoyed playing them with my own kids. Such is the case with today's game, the quirky and delightful Superfight. The geeks among us with remember the old parlor game of "who would win"? Superman vs Thor, Darth Vader vs Voldemort, Godzilla vs King Kong, that sort of thing. Well, Superfight takes that basic premise and accelerates it to ludicrous speed.
The gameplay is familiar (imagine Cards Against Humanity edited for broadcast television) - you get three white cards representing a character of some kind. These could be Han Solo, an accountant, forty blind kittens, your mom. You get the idea. You choose one to go into battle with, then draw three black cards that are modifiers to your character. Some of these are benevolent, such as superspeed or wielding a chainsaw or never blinks. Some are less so, such as allergic to metal or easily distracted by puppies. You choose one of these, then face your opponent who has done the same. Now we get our first chance to argue about who has the upper hand. Is it Hermione, fifty feet tall, or the telepathic cockroach? Before a verdict can be reached, the game makes each contestant draw another card and apply it to their champion. This can be another awesome power or a devastating limitation. Now who wins?
The beauty of Superfight is how easily it expands. New packs have been released featuring characters and powers from horror movies, fantasy, the 1980s, and more. Oh, and if the base game grows stale, the makers have provided twists to keep it fresh. There's a deck of blue cards with exotic locations for the contest - sure, Obi Wan could kick Aquaman's ass, but what if it's underwater? There's a yellow deck of challenges - instead of combat, the game is chess or a spelling bee or a cooking contest. And a purple deck of scenarios, giving all the players sleep apnea or putting them on roller skates. The game is endlessly varied and ridiculous, and fun for all ages.
Note: this game is best played with three people, two contestants and an impartial judge. The players making their case for their flawed character is an integral component and can easily result in raised voices, tears, fisticuffs. Awesome stuff.