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Joe Pace
Feb 5, 2017
Granite State of Mind, #5: Eustis Field, Exeter AREA High School, Exeter
I indulge here in another place that figures prominently in my high school-era memories. There have been multiple grass gridirons to bear...
Joe Pace
Feb 4, 2017
Granite State of Mind, #4: The Canadian Border
As a football player in high school, I had small use for cross-country running, other than maybe as a pool of potential girlfriends (and...
Joe Pace
Feb 3, 2017
Granite State of Mind, #3: Power Alley, Memorial Union Building, UNH, Durham
There are some places, the University of New Hampshire among them, that can't be encapsulated with a single entry. There are multiple...
Joe Pace
Feb 2, 2017
Granite State of Mind, #2: Szechuan Taste, Exeter
Of the restaurants that will appear on this list of favorite new Hampshire places, there's only one that should come first. My favorite...
Joe Pace
Feb 1, 2017
Granite State of Mind, #1: Stratham Lane, Stratham
I grew up at my folks' house in Stratham, the log house my father Albert Pace built himself when I was two years old, the house they...
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