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Joe Pace
Jun 8, 2017
Granite State of Mind, #119: Cancun Saloon, Durham
Another Durham restaurant that isn't there any more - and frankly, wasn't there for very long. It was such a brief comet in the downtown...
Joe Pace
Jun 7, 2017
Granite State of Mind, #118: Powder Hill Fish Hatchery, New Durham
Just down the street about two miles from my parents' camp on the shores of Lake Merrymeeting is the Powder Mill Fish Hatchery, managed...
Joe Pace
Jun 6, 2017
Granite State of Mind, #117: The Riverworks, Newmarket
I've always considered Newmarket as something I have to endure to get somewhere else; an obstacle between Stratham and Durham, straddling...
Joe Pace
Jun 5, 2017
Granite State of Mind, #116: Hugo Bolin Field, Spaulding High School, Rochester
Rochester has always been just far enough away from Exeter to feel like the frontier. The Winnacunnet Warriors were our rivals, we...
Joe Pace
Jun 4, 2017
Granite State of Mind, #115: Stuart Farm, Stratham
I've made mention of New Hampshire's family farm tradition before, and I have fond memories of many of them - the Saltbox Farm, the...
Joe Pace
Jun 3, 2017
Granite State of Mind, #114: 80 Front Street, Exeter
I've driven down Front Street in Exeter thousands of times, and every once in a while the stately brick house a couple of doors down from...
Joe Pace
Jun 1, 2017
Granite State of Mind, #113: Hayden Sports, Durham
My favorite entries in this series come when I can use a place as an excuse to talk about people. So yeah, I dig Hayden's Sports on Main...
Joe Pace
May 31, 2017
Granite State of Mind, #112: Rockingham Ballroom, Newmarket
I learned to ballroom dance in college, when Jen and I took a few semesters of lessons at the MUB. We became sufficiently confident in...
Joe Pace
May 30, 2017
Granite State of Mind, #111: Kentucky Fried Chicken, Portsmouth
Yes, I'm going to tell a story about KFC. I'm going to tell it because even to this day, almost thirty years later, I can't drive down...
Joe Pace
May 29, 2017
Granite State of Mind, #110: Exeter AREA Junior High School, Exeter
With the sad news yesterday of the passing of Mr. Meehan, this seems an appropriate time to reflect on the school that only knew two...
Joe Pace
May 28, 2017
Granite State of Mind, #109: Gale Park, Exeter
On Memorial Day, we specifically honor those servicemen and women who gave what President Lincoln called "the last full measure of...
Joe Pace
May 18, 2017
Granite State of Mind, #108: Portsmouth Hospital, Portsmouth
I wasn't born in Portsmouth Cottage Hospital, the elegant 1895 building in the picture accompanying this post. That was the city's...
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